Terms & Conditions

         The Association’s objective is to promote social, cultural, spiritual and economic growth of Agarwals in Canada. “Agarwal” is a generic term that refers to people whose beliefs and lifestyle generally conform to “Vaish” values which are: non-injury, honesty, compassion, justice and family values.

Benefits of ABC Membership

    Networking - building relationships with hundreds of member families
    Voting rights & voice in setting the direction for the organization
    Invitation to Members Appreciation Day with Guest speaker (free lunch for two)
    Subsidized rates for members and their families for all events
    Leveraging, collaborating and support of the community

Criteria for ABC's Membership

  (a)The family should be supportive of vegetarianism and of Vaish values, namely: non-injury, honesty, compassion, justice and family values.
  (b) The family's behaviour at ABC events must not be rowdy, disruptive, or abusive.
  (c) The motive should be to support the Vaish community selflessly. The family should not have any personal vested interest. During ABC activities, ABC's interest would supersede personal interests.
  (d) The family should not have any known history of misconduct, including no police history nor criminal record.
  (e) At least one member of the family must be an Agrawal/Vaish; or if the family has no Agrawal/Vaish, two current ABC members in good standing must co-sign the form. "Good standing" means that the member has paid membership dues for the current year.
  (f) ABC Board reserves the right to accept or revoke membership.

Membership Cycle

        Membership runs from January and expires in December and can be renewed at any time during the year.
        Family membership includes member’s spouse, children and parents; all must live at the same address.

        Please complete membership registration online. In case you have any questions, please contact us at :    info@agarwals.ca

ABC Policy Documents Review

        Once you become a member of ABC, we encourage you to go through our policy and other important documents available under the member’s login tab on our website; such as ABC’s Constitution, By-laws, Qualification for joining ABC Board etc. and to familiarize yourselves as how the organization and it’s Board functions in general.

  (1)Maintain strong relations, mutual respect, and open dialogue among all the members.
  (2) Communicate clearly and effectively with the group members.
  (3) Nurture a collaborative working alliance and trusting relationship with members.
  (4) Do not engage in, condone, or ignore any form of harassment of members.
  (5) Never discuss/publish material that is obscene, racist, sexist, pornographic, sexually exploitative, or in any other way discriminatory, threatening or harassing, personally offensive, defamatory, or illegal.
  (6) Take all reasonable measures to maintain privacy and confidentiality in interactions.
  (7) Maintain confidentiality when using social media and other online technology.
  (8) Obtain informed consent from all involved prior to sharing information with any third party.
  (9) Report security breaches of information to affected individuals and ABC Board members.
  (10) ABC is no way responsible for any member’s act or behaviour. It’s your sole discretion to interact with the member/s of the group.

Member Adherence

        Members must adhere to ABC’s Members Code of Conduct. Professional misconduct applies where a member of ABC is deemed to have failed to adhere to the rules outlined here. If a member has contravened these rules, the penalty may include reminding the member, reprimanding the member, suspending the member, and/or terminating their membership from the organization.